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  • 展会时间:2021年08月23~25日 展会地点:深圳国际会展中心



    深圳国际自动化及机器人展览会在深圳国际会展中心 宝安区举行;

    主办单位: 深圳自动化学会、中国香港贸发展览集团有限公司

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:40000平方 展商数量:500家 观众数量:30000人
    由深圳自动化学会、上海贸发展览服务有限公司共同主办的“2021第11届深圳国际工业自动化及机器人展览会”,简称:“ARE Shenzhen 2021”,将于2021年8月23-25日在深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)隆重举办。站在新的起点,踏上新的征程,本届展会将牢牢把握粤港澳大湾区智能制造产业升级的发展机遇,紧紧依托华南地区庞大的市场需求,匠心构筑工业智能制造领域一站式采购交易平台,是参展商与采购商建立商务联系与面对面交流的重要渠道,也是华南工业智能制造领域具有较大规模及深远影响的行业盛会之一。

    “ARE Shenzhen 2021”展出面积达40,000平方米,预计将吸引来自20多个国家和地区的近500家中外品牌厂商参展,重点涉及工业机器人及智能制造、工业自动化、智能机器人、3D打印、机器视觉、传感器、工业装配及非标设备定制等领域。展会聚焦行业应用,将特别邀请来自3C电子、机械\机电、汽车制造、五金\模具、金属加工、钢铁\冶金、能源电力、橡塑\包装、食品\医药等领域的近30,000名海内外专业买家到场参观采购,满足行业一站式采购需求,强势打造以机器人、自动化及行业应用为核心的智能制造行业精品展会!

    工业机器人本体及核心部件: 焊接机器人、喷涂机器人、码垛机器人、搬运机器人,装配机器人、智能仓储机器人及系统、驱动系统RV减速器、谐波减速器、精密减速器、控制器、伺服电机、步进电机,夹具\抓手、气缸及液压缸、机器视觉系统及组件,直线运动\导轨设备,滚珠花键、滚珠丝杠和连杆球等

    工业自动化核心智能系统: 组装及搬运系统/线性定位系统、工业影像处理系统、控制系统,PLC, SCADA、 工业用电脑通讯、网络和现场总线系统、嵌入式系统、传感器和执行器、工业测量和测试系统、工业自动化数据获取及辨别系统、激光技术,自动化服务、空压技术与设备

    工业电气及机械零部件: 电气系统变压器、电池和不间断电源、伺服电机和变频器、轴承、齿轮、联轴器等传动部件、机械驱动系统、电线及电缆附件/连接器、线束,电气控制系统用电气开关装置和设备、电工及光学部件、电力电工测试和检测设备,各类工厂自动化零部件等

    智慧物流AGV产品及系统: 各类AGV小车、自动导航车,激光导航车,AGV自动化物流设备及系统,智能仓储系统等

    工业装配及非标设备定制: 电子智能装备、激光自动化设备、机器人集成应用、智能装配与传输设备、供料及连接技术、驱动-控制-测试系统、工装夹具、各行业定制非标专机等

    智能制造整体解决方案: 工业4.0整体解决方案,面向(汽车装配、汽车零部件生产、焊接、3C、机床、家电、包装、医药、食品、物流等)应用行业的集成解决方案,机器人工作站,机器人智能化生产线等

    Organizers: Shenzhen Automation Society, Hong Kong Trade and Development Exhibition Group Co., Ltd

    Period: Annual Exhibition Area: 40,000 square exhibitors Number: 500 Number of visitors: 30,000 people

    The 11th Shenzhen International Industrial Automation and Robotics Exhibition 2021, co-sponsored by Shenzhen Automation Society and Shanghai Trade and Development Exhibition Services Co., Ltd., will be held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center (Bao'an New Pavilion) from August 23-25, 2021. Standing at a new starting point and embarking on a new journey, this exhibition will firmly grasp the development opportunities of the upgrading of the intelligent manufacturing industry in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, firmly rely on the huge market demand in southern China, and build a one-stop procurement trading platform in the field of industrial intelligent manufacturing, which is an important channel for exhibitors and buyers to establish business contacts and face-to-face exchanges, and is also one of the large-scale and far-reaching industry events in the field of industrial intelligent manufacturing in southern China.

    With an exhibition area of 40,000 square meters, ARE Shenzhen 2021 is expected to attract nearly 500 domestic and foreign brands from more than 20 countries and regions, focusing on industrial robotics and intelligent manufacturing, industrial automation, intelligent robots, 3D printing, machine vision, sensors, industrial assembly and customization of non-standard equipment. The exhibition will focus on industry applications, will be specially invited from 3C electronics, machinery, mechanical and electrical, automotive manufacturing, hard metal mold, metal processing, steel, metallurgy, energy and electricity, rubber packaging, food, medicine and other fields of nearly 30,000 professional buyers at home and abroad to visit the procurement, to meet the industry's one-stop procurement needs, strong to create robots, automation and industry applications as the core of the intelligent manufacturing industry boutique exhibition!

    The scope of the exhibits

    Industrial robot body and core components: welding robots, spray robots, palletizing robots, handling robots, assembly robots, intelligent storage robots and systems, drive system RV reducers, harmonic reducers, precision reducers, controllers, servo motors, stepper motors, grippers, cylinders and hydraulic cylinders, machine vision systems and components, linear motion/rail equipment, ball keys, ball screws and rods, etc

    Industrial Automation Core Intelligent Systems: Assembly and Handling Systems/Linear Positioning Systems, Industrial Image Processing Systems, Control Systems, PLC, SCADA, Industrial Computer Communications, Network and Field Bus Systems, Embedded Systems, Sensors and Executors, Industrial Measurement and Test systems, Industrial Automation Data Acquisition and Identification Systems, Laser Technology, Automation Services, Air Pressure Technologies and Equipment

    Industrial electrical and mechanical components: electrical system transformers, battery and uninterruptible power supplies, servo motors and inverters, bearings, gears, couplings and other transmission components, mechanical drive systems, wire and cable accessories/connectors, harnesses, electrical control systems with electrical switching devices and equipment, electrical and optical components, electrical and electrical testing and testing equipment, various types of factory automation components

    Smart logistics AGV products and systems: all kinds of AGV cars, automatic navigation vehicles, laser navigation vehicles, AGV automated logistics equipment and systems, intelligent storage systems

    Industrial assembly and non-standard equipment customization: electronic intelligent equipment, laser automation equipment, robot integration applications, intelligent assembly and transmission equipment, feeding and connection technology, drive-control-testing systems, tooling fixtures, custom non-standard aircraft in various industries, etc

    Intelligent manufacturing overall solutions: Industrial 4.0 integrated solutions for applications (automotive assembly, automotive parts production, welding, 3C, machine tools, home appliances, packaging, pharmaceuticals, food, logistics, etc.), robot workstations, intelligent production lines, etc


    信息来源:会展号 浏览:58924次
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